viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Teillier, Hemingway, Camus, Heidegger, Vallejo

Hi! Today I'll write to about somethings I'm reading. This last months I have a lot of things: studies, work, etc. so, as I like to read a lot, I did need to divide my time for to can enjoy my likes and to do my responsabilities.

This semester I have many differentes matters, one of this talk about the existencialism. In this matter I need to read and to understand the thoughts of Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre and Camus. I need to do a paper and presentation about a subject that I think is important and to develop it with any perspective focus on some of them. So, I read "Ser y Tiempo" of Heidegger and "El mito de Sísifo" de Camus. Really, are very complicate books.

In my free time, I read a lot of poetry, national or not. I have a lot of prefers authors, but now I read "Muertes y Maravillas" of Teillier and "España aparta de mí este cáliz" of César Vallejo in the nights. In the buses and subway, I read a recopilation of story of Hemingway. I think that is very interesant like this author see the things, with expect of write about incredibles, daily and a constant search of manhood actions in whatever, I think that many times, really, finish being more nostalgia than virility.

I know that is better to read the author's work in the original language, but was a present, and it come with a evocation of Gabriel García Márquez, so, don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

As I need to write more about an specific work, I recommend to read César Vallejo, he haves a lot of good books: "Los heraldos negros", "Trilce", "Poemas Humanos". In this times I'm reading "España aparta de mí este cáliz" when he refers his works on the civil war in Spain. He writes about any posible down of Spain, and the posible impact on all iberoamerican world, no for any feels of subjugation, if not the representation of the establish culture in America.

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