viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014


Sometimes I write, I have the capacity of to show with words my ideas and feels. I don’t know, really, if is a useful thing for to feel pride, but the last time I have can to see that the a lot of people can’t do it, or is very difficult for them.

With this “skill” I can to know a lot of people, writers, painters, musicians, even I travel to Argentina (was my first travel in airplane and to other country). Really, I don’t feel pride of any of this things, I proud of the capacity of to express any idea or to create anythings. Sometimes I write poems, in other times I write short stories, and sometimes, in any academics works, I can use it for to try a better perspective of arguments in my reasons.

With the time, I try better my way of write, with it I have read any interesting authors, for example, Pablo de Rokha, Jorge Teillier, Enrique Lihn, César Vallejo, Gómez-Correa, for mention any. In ocassional instants, I have participated in literature’s workshops, where you can share with different partners with different perspective. But, well, this is, sometimes, a strange world, but very funny.

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