viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Field Trip

In about 1999, before of new millenium, I and my partners went to explore the south of Chile.We needed to find a lot of answers about the last meteorite that fell to Earth.

The weather has changed, but when started the last year, the temperature increased on the 1.5°, you can imagine that can meant. So, many scientists thought that this phenomenon was due by the famous global warming, but I and my partners suspected of shine in the airborne dust, the damn shine in the airborne dust!.

In March 1998, the news spoke about a wave of allergies whipping the south of Chile looking to south of Argentine. I worked for an experimental lab in Antarctica and I was called to investigate it.

Diana, oh my sweet Diana! She worked with me, and sometimes she was so selfless... Diana, I and my others partners arrived to Puerto Montt, near to fall. We walk for 3 hours on the Cordillera de los Andes and we find it, a huge plant growing between the montains with the main trunk in the meteorite. I told to Diana that we needed to test with a small simple, but when she touched the trunk, a blue spore began to fall, she was cover up and disappear. I and my partners run quickly by the mountains. We arrived to Puerto Montt, newly, and informed it to authority, but, was very late...

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